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The Kenmore Bridge Club offers beginner lessons commencing in February and July each year. Partnership and development lessons are offered throughout the year.

Previous Lessons

One Pair

Two Over One (2/1) Game Forcing is a natural, 5-card major bidding system. When the auction begins 1//, a simple 2-level response in a new suit is forcing to game. This lesson is divided into three steps to help learn the system.


Defensive signals in bridge can be categorized into three main kinds12:

  • Attitude signals, which tell if you like or don't like a suit.

  • Count signals, which tell how many cards you have in the suit.

  • Suit preference signals, which tell which other suit you want Partner to lead.

There are five possible forms of signaling, each of which (except one) have their rightful place in the defender’s armoury: attitude; suit preference; count; no signal; 


Your partner has opened with a bid of 1NT, which means that he holds a balanced hand (5-3-3-2, 4-4-3-2, or 4-3-3-3 card distribution) with 15 – 18 high-card points (HCP). Your response depends on both your HCP and card length in the major suits (Hearts and Spades). Even with 0 HCP but with a 5-card Major, you cannot PASS his bid. Learn the basics here.

Entrance Sign

Opener and responder rebids are a part of the bidding process in the game of Bridge. When the first player (opener) makes a bid, the second player (responder) has to make a bid in response. After that, the opener has to make another bid, which is called a rebid. This is a three-part lesson which will take you through the fundamentals.

Twins on a Skateboard

Doubles are a formidable tool to have in your arsenal, there are many types of doubles here we will teach the everyday doubles that will help you become a better player and partner.

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The Jacoby 2NT convention is an artificial, game-forcing response to a 1 or 1 opening bid. The 2NT response shows 4+ trump support with 13+ points. The bid asks partner to describe his/her hand further so that slam prospects can be judged accordingly.


To lead and Ace or not that is the quandary. 


Learn when it is the right time to lead an Ace and when it is not.

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All beginners need a copy of the cheat sheet. Available to use in all our supervised sessions. When you need a little reminder the cheat sheet has most of the answers.

Below you will find just a few of the lessons presented to our members to see the complete library please click here.

"We are grateful for the ongoing support of our educators who tirelessly work towards developing our members. Their dedication not only strengthens the individual but also the club as a whole. We extend our heartfelt thanks to them for their time and support."

George O'Brien

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